At the start a new year, it’s important to think about planning for the future. That’s why RSL WA have partnered with Gathered Here, Australia’s most trusted provider of free online wills, to offer our members and supporters a simple and accessible way to create a will.
Did you know nearly half of Australians don’t have a will? Having one can help protect loved ones from unnecessary stress during an already difficult time. Through Gathered Here, you can create or update your will at no cost.
While using this service, there is the option to include a gift to RSL WA or any other charity. These gifts make a lasting impact, ensuring that RSL WA can continue working to support veterans and their families for years to come.
That said, there’s no obligation to leave RSL WA a gift in your will. This service is available regardless, and we encourage you to take advantage of it to ensure your wishes are documented.
Click here to write your will for free.
If you do wish to leave a gift in your Will, follow these four easy steps to guide you through the process.
Step 1. Write or update your Will
We recommend seeking legal advice when creating or updating your Will. Prepare as many details of your finances as possible before seeing your solicitor. It may also help to sit down with your family beforehand and decide how much you could realistically afford to give as a gift.
At RSLWA, we have partnered with Gathered Here to help make the process as simple as possible. Gathered Here’s free and easy online Will writing service is backed by a team of legal experts. It takes less than 10minutes to write your Will and you can do so from the comfort of your own home. You’ll also have access to free updates for life.
There is no obligation to let us know, and you can change your mind at any time.
Step 2. Types of gifts
Residual Gift
A residuary gift is the most effective way to leave a gift in your Will to RSLWA. It’s the remainder of your estate after you have made provisions for your family and friends. A residuary gift also keeps up with inflation which means the gift will achieve as much in the future as it will now.
Percentage Gift
A percentage of your estate is the nominated portion or fixed percentage of your estate to RSLWA. A percentage gift also keeps up with inflation.
Pecuniary Gift
A pecuniary gift is a specific amount of money left for RSLWA.
Step 3. Suggested wording
I give and bequeath free of all duties and taxes,
1. The residue of my estate, or
2. XX% of my whole estate, or
3. XX% of the residue, or
4. The specific sum of $XX
To The Returned & Services League of Australia WA Branch Incorporated ABN 59 263 172 184 of 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 to be used for the general purposes of RSLWA and I declare that the official receipt of The Returned & Services League of Australia WA Incorporated shall be sufficient discharge of the same.
Step 4. Let us know
Please let us know if you have left a gift in your Will to RSL WA as we would like to personally thank you for your commitment to support future generations of veterans.
Please let us know by completing the form below or by contacting
Your privacy will be fully respected, and any information you give us will remain confidential.