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SUPPORT and protect FUTURE GENERATIONS OF VETERANS with a gift in your will
Big or small, your gift will help us continue to support veterans with a range of services well into the future. Together, let's ensure a bright future for all Australian veterans.
How to Leave a Gift in Your Will
1. Write or update your will
At RSLWA, we have partnered with Gathered Here to help make the process as simple as possible. Gathered Here’s free and easy online Will writing service is backed by a team of legal experts. It takes less than 10minutes to write your Will and you can do so from the comfort of your own home. You’ll also have access to free updates for life.
There is no obligation to let us know, and you can change your mind at any time. Write your Will for free.
2. Types of gifts
Residual gift
Percentage gift (%)
Pecuniary gift
3. Suggested wording
- The residue of my estate, or
- XX% of my whole estate, or
- XX% of the residue, or
- The specific sum of $XX To The Returned & Services League of Australia WA Branch Incorporated ABN 59 263 172 184 of 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 to be used for the general purposes of RSLWA and I declare that the official receipt of The Returned & Services League of Australia WA Incorporated shall be sufficient discharge of the same.
4. Let us know
Please let us know if you have left a gift in your Will to RSL WA as we would like to personally thank you for your commitment to support future generations of veterans.
Please let us know by completing the form below or by contacting bequests@rslwa.org.au. Your privacy will be fully respected, and any information you give us will remain confidential.
a gift for the future
"There are several reasons why we decided to leave a gift in our Will to RSL WA. We always try to support local veterans and we have two children currently serving in the Defence force. My grandfather was in the 16th battalion and was a soldier settler post WWI. He was an active member of his local RSL for many years."
Ray and Betty, Perth

If you need any further information, please call us on 08 9287 3799 and ask to speak to the Gift in Wills Team.
Why is making a Will so important?
If you die without a Will (‘dying intestate’), state laws will determine how your assets are distributed, which could result in your loved ones and the causes you care about being left out entirely. An up-to-date Will is the only way to make sure that, after you pass away, your wishes are carried out.
In Australia, you can make a legally binding Will any time after you turn 18.
What is the best way to leave a gift in your Will to RSL WA?
Residual gifts allow you to leave a percentage of what’s left of your estate after you’ve taken care of your family and friends – so you can support both the people and causes you care about.
Residual gifts are a simple and practical way of leaving a gift in your Will in comparison to other types of gifts, such as specific or pecuniary gifts. You may not know the value of your final estate, but a percentage gives you peace of mind and will automatically adjust to changes in your estate’s value over time. A residual gift will also keep pace with inflation so that your gift to the charity or charities you care about is maximised.
What if I need to look after my loved ones?
We know that taking care of your family and loved ones will always come first. We are very grateful for any gift you may choose to leave to RSL WA after you have looked after them.
It’s important that you make your family and loved ones aware of your wishes and any gift you’ve left to RSL WA in your Will, so they understand why supporting our cause is important to you. Communication with your family will ensure your final wishes are carried out and your gift is received and used as you intended.
Can I leave my house, property or shares?
Whilst monetary gifts are preferred, RSL WA is able to accept non-monetary gifts, such as property or shares. However, we would need to convert any property or shares into cash to be able to fund our work.
It’s important to discuss any non-monetary gifts with us before finalising your Will, to ensure that we are able to accept them and that your wishes can be carried out.
I already have a Will, do I need to make a new one?
Your Will records your wishes at a particular point in time. It is important to regularly review your Will as your circumstances change to ensure that it accurately reflect your current wishes. If your current Will still accurately reflects your wishes, or if there has been a significant change in your circumstances, it may be necessary to make a new Will. You should speak to your solicitor about whether a new Will or a Codicil – a short legal amendment to your Will – is appropriate for the updates you wish to make.
Can I specify where my gift goes?
Yes, you can specify how you want your gift to be used. However, it’s worth remembering that most gifts in Wills aren’t realised for many years. If you include a gift for our general purposes, it means we can fund the most significant project at the time.
If you have a specific purpose in mind, we recommend discussing this with us before finalising your Will, to ensure that your wishes can be carried out.
Do I need to tell you I've left a gift in my Will?
You don't have to, but we would love to know so we can keep in touch with you, express our appreciation for your generous gift, and keep you updated on our events and activities. Your information will be kept confidential, and we will always respect your privacy. Building a relationship with our supporters is important to us, and we value your contribution to our cause.
You can contact our Gifts in Wills team to discuss your gift by:
Email: giftsinwills@rslwa.org.au
Phone: 08 9287 3799 and ask for our Gifts in Wills Manager.

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