Become A Member
RSL WA members helps us to connect the WA community with support services, programs, and commemorative events, helping thousands each year.
Our Mission
RSL WA enables veterans and their families to thrive through sustainable, relevant support and services whilst retaining the full confidence of community and all stakeholders.
Our Values
- Camraderie
- Care
- Advocacy
- Commemoration
Join Australia’s largest ex-service organisation. We welcome current and former serving members of Defence, first responders, and their families. The League is a charitable organisation dedicated to connecting people bound by service and championing veterans’ issues in Australia.
Becoming a member of the Returned & Services League of Australia is a way to support others in the veteran community and get involved in important commemorative events like Anzac Day.
Nominating an RSL Sub-Branch
While completing your application form, you will have the option to select an RSL Sub-Branch. There are 112 Sub-Branches across Western Australia that are run by elected volunteers. RSL Sub-Branches vary in size and the services they offer. Pay a visit to your local RSL Sub-Branch to get to know your community.
How To Join
You can join RSL WA as a service member or affiliate members. If you’re a currently serving member of the Australian Defence Force, your first year of membership is free.
Join as a service member of RSL WA. Complete the online application (recommended). This takes about 2 minutes!
Alternatively, you can download the PDF service member application form and email this completed form to membership@rslwa.org.au along with proof of service.
Any Veteran who was a member of the Armed Forces of:
- Any country presently or formerly a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
- Any country or place presently or formerly a Crown Colony of the United Kingdom.
- The United States of America.
*First year free for current serving Defence personnel.
Family of service members join as affiliate members. Affiliate membership is also open to first responders and emergency services.
To become an affiliate member, download and complete the PDF affiliate member application form and email this to your nominated RSL Sub-Branch.
The eligible persons who may be admitted as Affiliates are those who do not qualify for Service Membership, but comply with the following:
- 18 years of age or older.
- A person who is a relative of a League Member or a defacto partner of a League Member whether that League Member is living or has since died.
- A person who is, or has been, a member for at least six (6) months, of one of the following:
- State or Federal Police Force.
- An Ambulance Service or Brigade.
- A Fire Brigade or Fire Authority
- A State Emergency Service
- A Prison Officer
- Australian Border Force
- Cadets (Adult)
- The Medical Profession
Enquire at RSL Sub-Branch
Reach out to your local RSL Sub-Branch to enquire about the cost of Affiliate membership.
RSL WA memberships are renewed annually. Renewals for 2025 are now open for completion before 28 February 2025.
Be part of the journey! Stay connected with RSL WA, receiving timely announcements, news and events, as well as impactful initiatives and updates on our veterans’ support services.