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President’s Update
Congress 2024 is almost upon us. Thank you to all the Sub-Branches that have taken significant time to submit motions for consideration by the delegates. I intend on using the general business section of Congress to further discuss issues that member involvement is critical prior to any further action being taken. I will outline each later in my section as a precursor to Congress and invite Sub-Branches to discuss and contact either myself or a fellow director for further information. Additionally, there is a motion that was submitted after the stated deadline. As such it is not being considered, however this forum allows this draft motion to be discussed and the Board to take guidance if needed. These areas for discussion will be at the end of this report for consideration.
CEO Recruitment
The recruitment process for the CEO is nearly completed. The Board appointed Lester Blades to conduct the recruiting process, guided by the Nominations Committee and led by the Board. All steps were taken to ensure the process was transparent, with several candidates declaring interest to ensure any potential conflicts could be appropriately managed.
Lester Blades received a total of 51 applications for CEO. Subsequently, 12 first round interviews were conducted, resulting in 3 second round interviews being conducted. Two candidates were selected to present to the Board on 6 June 2024. Unfortunately, one of the final two candidates withdrew from the process just prior to the Board meeting having received a compelling offer from their current employer to remain. After discussion, the Board decided to conduct the presentation from the remaining candidate which was of a very high standard. After lengthy discussion, the Board elected to conduct a final review of applicants. This review was completed by 10 June 2024. This review confirmed the process that had been undertaken had considered all suitable candidates.
It is my great pleasure to announce Mr Stephen Barton as the next Chief Executive Officer of RSLWA. Stephen has undertaken full-time service with the Australian Army and is currently serving as an Army Reserve Officer. He has served in the Western Australian Government with experience in Veterans’ Legislation. Stephen comes to RSLWA on a full-time basis having led a multi-disciplinary team, delivering numerous projects and being responsible for a portfolio with an approximate value of $250M. Stephen has served on the Board of RSLWA and chaired the Commemoration Committee, leading key refinements to ANZAC Day. The Board will be working with Stephen to set key performance indicators for the short and medium term to ensure momentum is maintained in the delivery of our strategy. This approach will also serve as a bridge to ensure a smooth handover between Vince and Stephen.
At this point I would like to recognise Vince Connelly for his service to the League in Western Australia. Under Vince’s leadership RSLWA secured the South West Metropolitan Veterans Hub. The consortium approach developed under Vince’s leadership has redefined an approach to delivering services and support for veterans and their families nationally. Vince has overseen fundamental upgrades to systems within RSLWA. Central to this has been the transition of our accounting systems to XERO. This significant body of work is in addition to a new human resource system, upgrade to the website and updating IT systems. Vince has been tireless in his efforts to engage stakeholders, having been successful in securing high-level partnerships with private industry and greater support from Government. On behalf of the League, I would like to thank Vince for his professional service and wish him the very best of luck as he pursues continued service to our community in the upcoming Federal Election.
Congress Items for Discussion
Dispute Resolution. Review of By-Laws has shown that the current mechanism for resolving issues in Sub-Branches is confusing and difficult to navigate. This does not empower Sub-Branches to resolve matters at the lowest level. This results in minor issues going unresolved or partially resolved. Subsequently, minor issues over time develop into significant challenges that require significant support. Feedback has also shown that sometimes issues involve some of the Sub-Branch Committee. This means that on many occasions the entity responsible for leading a resolution is conflicted. While provisions exist to manage this conflict, it is not immediately apparent.
The Constitution Committee and Board recognise that changes can be made to the By-Laws without reference to Congress. However, the proposed changes are significant and Congress presents an excellent opportunity for Members to review and discuss. Should there be broad support for these changes, the Board will be able to adopt them at the August meeting. Alternatively, further amendments can be considered if desired by the Members.
Affiliate Sub-Branches. The RSL is built on a notion of service and supporting those that have served. Over time Affiliate Members have played an increasingly important role in the fabric of the RSL. As the demographics of Western Australia have changed some Sub-Branches have attracted a large number of Affiliate Members and in some cases, Affiliates fill the majority of roles on Committees. The Board recognises that these Sub-Branches, with a majority of Affiliate Members, do a good job representing the values of the RSL in their local communities while also providing an important service to veterans. Accordingly, the Board is seeking to provide support and guidance for these “Affiliate Sub-Branches” through amendments to the RSLWA Constitution and By-Laws.
The changes proposed would formalise the creation of a Sub-Branch category called an Affiliate Sub-Branch. Whilst limiting an Affiliate Sub-Branch's ability to vote at Congress, an Affiliate Sub-Branch would be able to undertake all other functions, with the same level of accountability as a Sub-Branch. An Affiliate Sub-Branch could also be re-designated as a Sub-Branch should there be a greater proportion of service Members on the Committee.
At the request of the Board, the Constitution Committee has conducted a detailed review of the relevant sections of the Constitution and By-Laws applicable to Affiliate Members and Sub-Branches and noted that amendments to the By-Laws were required. The Board and I will now await feedback from Congress on what we consider to be an important By-Law change before ratifying the amendments recommended by the Constitution Committee.
Voting for State President, Vice President and Directors. Both Sub-Branches and Members have views that should be able to be expressed in the interest of the League. On occasion these views may diverge, however both views are valuable and neither is more important than the other.
Currently voting for the State President, State Vice President and Directors is by the Delegate method. This method has been used with great effect for decades. Some argue that this method best represents the views of the Members in Sub-Branches, while the counter argument is that this method represents the views of the Sub-Branch only.
In other jurisdictions voting for these roles is conducted via a ‘1 Member 1 Vote’ system. Arguably this system best represents the individual Members. Conversely this system it can be argued this method does not represent the interests of the Sub-Branch.
To gain equal representation of both views, I am seeking discussion and views on amending the voting system to one where 50% of the votes made up of Delegates and 50% of the vote is made up of ‘1 Member 1 Vote’. This amended system would retain the value of delegates and the representation of the Sub-Branches desired outcome, while also empowering individuals in the League to represent their personal wishes.
Late Motion Submission: Not All Veterans Are Broken
RSLWA considers providing services for Members to be aligned with the theme that ‘Not All Veterans Are Broken’. Without detracting from the excellent work done to support those injured mentally or physically by their service, RSLWA could do much more to help those who have served to excel in their post-military life. An example of an initiative that may be considered under this theme is enhancing Members' physical fitness by providing modern, high-quality gym facilities at suitable Sub-Branch locations. Rehab facilities and fitness programs are only available through third party providers. Internal facilities would incentivise ex-service personnel to join the RSL and enhance socialisation with other Members. A second example may see the RSL actively promoting the availability of business facilities and a business network for Members. State Headquarters and suitable Sub-Branches may create areas where business can be conducted, and meetings can be held at no cost to Members. We could also promote the exclusive ‘network’ available only to those who have served.
This concept could be taken much further, but it is up to the leaders of our organisation to decide if this is a suitable strategic direction. The suggested title of 'Not All Veterans Are Broken' aims to expose the pervasive myth that everyone who serves comes out is damaged in some way and/or regrets their decision to serve. This negatively impacts the career choices of the next generation and discourages ex-service personnel who don't feel 'broken' to join entities like the RSL. This concept could deliver meaningful changes that would benefit Members and even create a 'FOMO' (Fear of Missing Out) for non-Members when they observe the facilities and programs to which our Members have access. If this motion is supported, a suitable person or team should be assigned to prepare a detailed proposal on the following:
1. Establishment of modern, high-quality gyms at suitable establishments and conduct a stakeholder survey.
2. Establish an “RSL Business Network” with a lead person in each State, ideally someone with strong post-military business credentials.
3. Establish facilities where Members can conduct business, use meeting rooms, book conference rooms, receive mail, scan and print, etc.
4. Consider supporting the creation of a “proud veteran-owner business RSL logo” and promote the importance of the Government, Defence, and big corporate businesses in choosing to interact with veteran-owned businesses.
Duncan Anderson
State President, RSLWA

CEO’s Update
As this will be the last Sub-Branch Signal I contribute to as CEO, I want to extend my thanks to each and every member of RSLWA. As we continue to engage with and support each other – and other veterans and their families across WA - we strengthen the fine and enduring tradition of our League.
It has been a genuine pleasure to work with the RSLWA Board, especially our tireless President Duncan Anderson, our passionate State Branch staff and so many of you in Sub-Branch leadership roles. RSLWA is continuously adapting and enhancing the way in which we are delivering our mission. And we can be incredibly confident that our incoming CEO Stephen Barton has precisely the experience, skills and personal commitment to take our RSL even further forward.
Vince Connelly

King Charles III Accepts Patronage of RSL

RSL Australia was delighted to announce that His Majesty King Charles III has accepted patronage of the Returned & Services League of Australia, following on from the more than 70-year patronage of the League by the King’s mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II.
RSL National President Greg Melick said the League was delighted King Charles had accepted the invitation to become Patron.
“The RSL was recently advised of King Charles’ acceptance following a review of more than 1,000 patronages held by the late Queen and the former Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall,” Greg Melick said.
“Australia’s veteran community greatly values our Royal connection and looks forward to King Charles’ continuing interest in and support for veterans’ affairs.
“I am sure RSL members will join me in welcoming King Charles’ patronage.
“Australian Defence Force personnel played an important role in King Charles’ coronation just one year ago, recognising our prominence in the Commonwealth and our strong association with the monarchy. This association will continue with the King now the Patron of the RSL,” Greg Melick said.
D-Day 80th Anniversary

June 6 marked the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France during World War II. The largest amphibious operation in military history, D-Day was the pivotal first step in the Normandy campaign – the Allies’ mission to liberate Nazi-occupied western Europe.
Approximately 3,200 Australians participated in the D–Day landings. Some 2,800 served in transport, glider-towing, fighter and bombers squadrons with the Royal Australian Air Force or the Royal Air Force; around 500 served in Royal Navy warships, torpedo boats and landing craft; and about a dozen soldiers served on the ground with the British Army. Thousands more Australians served during the Normandy campaign and beyond.
At least 14 Australians are known to have been killed on D-Day. Hundreds more were killed over the course of the Normandy campaign.
RSLWA joined with communities worldwide in commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day and recognising all who served in the Normandy campaign.
RSL Active Strava Clubs State of Origin Challenge

Embrace the interstate rivalry and push yourself on the week of each round to add kilometres from all RSL Active Strava Clubs (runners and walkers, cycling, rowing, and swimming) to your State of Origin Team stats.
Round 1: 5 Jun 2024 (Strava week 03-09 Jun 2024) – FINISHED
Round 2: 26 Jun 2024 (Strava week 24-30 Jun 2024)
Round 3: 17 Jul 2024 (Strava week 15-21 Jul 2024)
The challenge has been set – who will be crowned RSL Active Strava Club State of Origin Champions?
Join and add your State of Origin Team to your Strava profile:
RSL Active - Team WA State of Origin Challenge
Eastern States Teams:
RSL Active - Team QLD State of Origin Challenge
RSL Active - Team VIC State of Origin Challenge
RSL Active - Team SA State of Origin Challenge
RSL Active - Team ACT State of Origin Challenge
RSL Active - Team TAS State of Origin Challenge
RSL Active - Team NT State of Origin Challenge
RSL Active -Team NSW Sport &Recreation State of Origin Challenge
Your support is greatly appreciated.
Easily Manage Your Sub-Branch Finances with RSL Money

This flexible and easy to manage transaction account offers your Sub-Branch a range of convenient banking options with no monthly account keeping fees.
Our best rate 2.10% p.a.
Interest is calculated daily and paid annually on 31 May to the Sub-Branch account.
Call us on 1300 000 775 or visit
RSL Money is a joint initiative between the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) and Australian Military Bank. It is Australia’s only range of banking products that help support the sustained growth of the RSL movement. We have partnered together to provide a range of low cost, high value banking products that can make a real difference to the RSL and greater Defence community.
The information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or financial situation. Before making a decision if a product is right for you, please read the relevant product information on our website at, including the Fees and Charges Schedule, Target Market Determination (TMD) and Financial Services Guide (FSG). RSL Money is a business name of Australian Military Bank Ltd | ABN 48 087 649741 | AFSL No 237 988 | Australian Credit Licence number 237 988.
RSL Active
Your gateway to connecting with fellow veteran families across Western Australia, offering an array of exciting events and activities tailored just for you. RSLWA is on a mission to simplify your journey back to civilian life by creating opportunities for you and your family to bond with like-minded people.

Sunset Photography Meet-Up
Location: Point Peron, Rockingham
Date: Saturday,29 June 2024
Time: 4:30 pm
For all photography enthusiasts, from beginners to pros, join us for an inspired photography meet-up to learn how to take beautiful sunset and seascape images. This event is open to all photographers and suitable for DSLRs and smartphones.
Bring some drinks, snacks and a sense of humour! You will need a tripod – if you don’t have one let us know.
Note: This will be weather dependent, and if it is raining, the event will be postponed.
Art Workshop with Army Art
Location: Osborne Park RSL Sub-Branch
Date: Saturday, 29 & Sunday, 30 June 2024
Time: 8:30 am
Unleash your creativity at a two-day Art Skills workshop with Army Art (WA) at Osborne Park RSL Sub-Branch. This unique opportunity invites you to dive into the world of art alongside talented instructors from Army Art, known for their Defence Art Skills Development program.
Strava Club
Location: Strava Online
Would you like to get active with other veterans from around the country? RSL Active Strava Club is a nationwide initiative with more than 200 members who run, walk and cycle their way to fitness with like-minded peers. Strava is a virtual platform for all our RSL community to join in and connect, no matter where you are located.
If you enjoy getting out and getting active, sign up to an RSL Active Strava Club and enjoy the motivation and camaraderie of sharing your fitness journey.
Sailing On
Location: South of Perth Yacht Club, 1 Coffee Point Road, Applecross
Date: Monday and Wednesday every week
Time: 9:00 am
RSL Active has teamed up with Sailing On to provide opportunities for RSLWA members, their families, veterans and ADF members to learn new skills and be part of a team through the repair and sailing of yachts.
Find out more and sign up for any of the above activities.
OUTRIDER Book Launch
Location: ANZAC House, 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth
Date: Wednesday, 3 July 2024
Time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tickets: $20 (including discount for RSLWA members)
You’re invited to the Perth launch of Mark Wales’s debut novel, Outrider – a lightning-paced dystopian thriller described as ‘an action-packed joyride’ and ‘perfect slam-bang entertainment’.
Mark grew up in the red dirt of the Pilbara, and from a young age, knew he wanted to join the SAS. In his sixteen-year career, troop commander Mark led top soldiers in combat missions behind enemy lines. In 2021, Mark wrote a best-selling memoir, Survivor: Life in the SAS, which was nominated for the Margaret and Colin Roderick Literary Award. With thanks to Dymocks Hay Street, copies of both Outrider and Survivor: Life in the SAS will be available to purchase on the night. Mark will be meeting readers and signing copies of his books.
Mingle with fellow book enthusiasts and hear from Mark as he discusses the novel and publishing process with Macmillan Australia. This is a catered event: premium canapés and beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages will be served. Tickets are discounted for RSLWA members.
Click here to book tickets.
Port Kennedy Career Expo

Location: Port Kennedy RSL Sub-Branch, 27 Paxton Way, Port Kennedy
Date: Monday, 22 July 2024
Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
RSLWA, in conjunction with Working Spirit, presents the RSL Port Kennedy Career Expo 2024 for Veterans and their Families. We invite you to the RSL Port Kennedy Sub-Branch to promote and connect veterans and their families to employers and to showcase the talents and unique skills that a veteran and their family have to employers whilst allowing the employer to promote their company to the veteran community.
The event will focus on employment and employment services only.
To book a free ticket, click here.
Ageing Well Expo

Location: Ageing Well Expo, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
Date: Friday, 2 and Saturday, 3 August 2024
Time: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm
Unlock your future and age well! The Ageing Well Expo is the perfect place to start for those interested in learning how to live life better in your later years, with a showcase of products, services and information to help you make informed choices about ageing and aged care.
To book a free ticket, click here.
IODS Defence and Industry Dinner & The Better Together Ball

Location: BelleVue Ballroom, Level 3, Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre
Date: Thursday, 25 July 2024
Time: 6:30pm to 10:00pm
Tickets: $250
Dress Code: Black Tie/Mess Kit with Medals
This year, the Better Together Ball will be held in collaboration with the IODS Defence and Industry Dinner.
The Dinner will be held on the first night of the IODS conference on Thursday, 25 July 2024 and is an opportunity to network with senior representatives from defence, industry and government while supporting Western Australian veterans and their families.
The Better Together Ball 2024 is presented in a partnership between RSLWA, Legacy WA and Police Legacy WA as a major fundraiser to support defence and police veterans and their families through advocacy and welfare.
Experience an evening of gourmet dining, conversation and entertainment all while helping to fundraise for an important cause.
For more information visit IODS.
2024 Brigadier Arnold Potts Oration

Location: ANZAC Club, 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth
Date: Friday, 2 August 2024
Time: 6:30 pm – 11:30 pm
Tickets: $65
The 16th Battalions' Foundation, 2/16th Battalion A.I.F Association invite you to the 2024 Brigadier Arnold Potts Oration to be delivered by Nova Peris OAM OLY MAICD.
Former Senator Nova Peris OAM was Australia’s first Aboriginal woman elected to Federal Parliament and the first Aboriginal and Northern Territorian to win an Olympic Gold Medal. A dual Olympian and the first Olympic torchbearer for the Sydney 2000 Games. Nova is the great-granddaughter to 2/16th Battalion member the late Sgt John Marcus Charles Knox WX10552 (aka Jack Knox).
The Oration will commence at 7 pm followed by canapés with a cash bar available.
Dress Code: Mess Dress or Black Tie with Medals or Miniatures.
To book tickets, click here.
The Search for HMAS Armidale I

Location: SAS Association House, 2 Nightingale Road, Swanbourne
Date: Wednesday, 7 August 2024
Time: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Tickets: $5 donation at the door (proceeds support future commemorative events)
Join the Cottesloe RSL Sub-Branch and the SAS Association for an exclusive information session as we delve into the valiant history and ongoing quest to locate the wreck of HMAS Armidale I.
Special guest speaker, Mr Angus Callander, President of the Remembering HMAS Armidale Association, will provide a presentation on the latest findings regarding the ship’s location.
Attendees will receive a comprehensive account of the events leading up to and following the tragic sinking of this storied vessel.
Seats are limited. Please confirm your attendance by sending an RSVP to
Our very own ANZAC Club at ANZAC House has unveiled a lineup of incredible and exciting events that you won't want to miss! Check them out below and don’t forget to book as these events are booking fast:
Location: ANZAC Club, Level 1, 28 St Georges Tce Perth WA 6000
Date: Friday, 13 September 2024
Time: 6.00 pm
Cost: $130 pp
Includes 4-course meal with paired Houghton wines.
Location: ANZAC Club
Date: Tuesday, 5 November 2024
Time: 10.30am
Cost: $110pp
Includes 3 course meal and 3-hour beverage package. Plus, there will be sweeps, a raffle, live entertainment and prizes for the best dressed!
To book, visit the ANZAC Club Website.
State Congress 2024

Location: ANZAC House, 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000
Date: Friday 5 July and Saturday 6 July 2024
The RSLWA Annual State Congress is just around the corner and preparations are full steam ahead as we implement a number of changes to the schedule of previous years. The Welcome Function and Award Ceremony will now be held on Friday, 5 July 2024, followed by the Official Opening and Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 6 July 2024.
For the first time, we will be offering delegates the option to attend the Annual General Meeting virtually. The intent of this hybrid style is to provide access options and remove the barrier of distance potentially preventing regional Sub-Branches from participating at Congress. Online delegates will be able to watch, vote and speak just as if they were in the room. Please specify attendance for both functions or express if the delegate/s would like to attend virtually. All members will also be invited to view the AGM live on Saturday via a website link. Please direct any questions to our Executive Assistant, Dominique Harris at
Honouring Heroes: Seeking Descendants of Korean War Veterans
In a heartfelt initiative to honour the service and sacrifice of those who served in the Korean War, the Korean Government has struck the "Ambassador for Peace Medal" for qualifying veterans or their descendants. As part of this initiative, efforts are being made to locate the relatives of the following veterans of the Korean War:
1. Ernest William Back
2. Joseph Bastow
3. Wally Beckett
4. Dudley Cassidy
5. Alex Croll
6. Derek Donnelly
7. Ronald Duff
8. Colin Edwards
9. Alex Fairfull
10. Ernest Giles
11. Edwin Gordon
12. Norman Hanscott
13. Bill Jamieson
14. Norman Jones
15. Brian Lawrence
16. Walter Mackay
17. John Myatt
18. Allan Newbey
19. Donald Piper
20. Kenneth Plane
21. Robert Leslie Roberts
22. Anderson Sandford
23. Peter Sewell
24. Bill Sharpe
25. Max Sojan
26. Kevin Watson
27. Harold Whitehurst
28. Nathanial Whyte
29. George Wragg
If you are a descendant or know of any relatives of the veterans, you are invited to please come forward and get in contact with evidence of your connection.