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President’s Update
Arguably there is no greater responsibility to support those that need it. It is core to our purpose as a League and is as relevant today as when this institution was formed over a century ago. This remains our collective responsibility as the Royal Commission into Defence and Veterans Suicide transitions from report to action.
The Board discussed the approach of RSL WA to the 122 recommendations. We have two approaches, wait for government to act or, act!
It is reasonable to ask why would RSL WA act when government has made no clear commitment? The recommendations from the Royal Commission have been formed by three eminent professionals who absorbed thousands of submissions from across the Nation. If we ignore this, I feel, we ignore those who need our assistance the most.
RSL WA has commenced an analysis of the 122 recommendations. The analysis will be conducted from two perspectives, the members through the Board and the employed staff, by the CEO. This parallel analysis will inform the RSL WA response to the Royal Commission. It strives the balance what we aspire to achieve versus what is possible. I commit to communicating this to you all openly in the coming months and years.
Recently, RSL WA and RAAFA with the generous support from Hancock Prospecting, opened Sir Valston House. This complex of units serves veterans who find themselves homeless or transitioning. It is a unique partnership where government is a bystander, leaving organisations to deliver services tailored best for those that need it most. The support from Hancock cannot be understated, close to $10m in capital investment has made this nation-leading initiative possible.
RSL WA through WAVACC has provided input to both the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the provisions of the Aged Care Bill 2024 and RSLA submission – Institute of Veterans Advocates. In both instances the timeframe for submission was very tight. However, RSL WA provided comment on means testing for veterans as part of the proposed Aged Care Bill and a code of conduct for both individuals and organisations for the proposed Institute of Veterans Advocates. Pleasingly RSL Australia has been invited to provide input into the Aged Care Bill Senate Inquiry; your input is warmly welcomed.
The Board of RSL WA held their October meeting at the Busselton Sub-Branch. The Presidents Forum was well attended, providing a great opportunity for members to engage with Directors and key committee members. I would like to thank both the Busselton Sub-Branch and Directors for making this possible.
Finally, as the League prepares for Remembrance Day 2024, I ask you all to consider the significance of this day. This is the day where we not only remember Australians that paid the ultimate sacrifice, but all of those who have died in the service of something that remains greater than the individual.
All the best.
Duncan Anderson
State President, RSLWA

CEO’s Update
Firstly, I would like to thank members for their patience as we recover from our recent ICT issues. Your patience and understanding have made what has been a difficult time easier.
As we move out of the recovery phase, our focus has shifted to ANZAC House.
We are blessed with an iconic facility, in a tremendous location. However, it is expensive to operate. ANZAC House must enable support to the veteran community, not distract us from our task.
The ANZAC Club provides members with great food at reasonable prices, with excellent staff. But it is not used enough.
We are seeking to change our licence to an unrestricted tavern licence, which will enable the public (non-members) to access the restaurant and bar. Reduced prices for RSL WA members will be zealously protected.
By allowing the wider community to drop in for a meal and a drink, we will generate additional revenue to support veterans and our members and offset the cost of ANZAC House.
We must demonstrate that the change is in the public interest and have as many people as possible respond favourably to the attached survey. If you are able, please take the time to respond – it will be greatly appreciated.
Following the East Timor commemoration, the President of the Cottesloe Sub-Branch, Nigel Earnshaw, reminded me that commemoration was about reflecting on little people caught up in big events.
As we prepare for next month’s Remembrance Day Service, I’ve been reflecting on his observation.
The First World War profoundly changed the nature of commemoration across the then British Empire. It was the first war in modern history that involved mass mobilisation and saw casualties on a scale that dwarfed the experience of previous centuries.
The response was the erection of hundreds of memorials in villages and towns across Australia and the Empire. In one of the most powerful democratic gestures of the 20th century, the decision was made to commemorate those who fell in uniform graves, signifying the equality of both service and death, regardless of rank, class, creed, religion or ethnicity.
It also found its expression in Armistice Day (later Remembrance Day), with its minute silence and traditions of the day.
At its essence, this commemoration was honouring and recognising the ordinary men and women, caught up in extraordinary and cataclysmic events. While generals and decorated heroes received their due, this was about everyone else: the great body of service personnel who served and sacrificed.
Commemoration is one of our core values. As we approach November 11, it is worth reflecting that the RSL was, and remains, a community of ordinary men and women who played a role in the history of great events for 108 years. It is also inextricably linked to the history of Australia.
Our collective task next month, through our Remembrance Day events, is to share that story of Australia and its men and women, to the broader community.
Stephen Barton
Commemorating 25th anniversary of Australian service in Timor-Leste

Around 250 Western Australians came together on September 20 for a commemorative service at the State War Memorial in Kings Park and Botanic Gardens to mark the 25th anniversary of Australian service in Timor-Leste from 1999.
The afternoon service was hosted by RSL WA, welcoming all veterans, their families, and the wider community to remember the many people affected by conflict in Timor-Leste and lay a wreath or floral tribute.
His Excellency the Hon Chris Dawson AC APM, Governor of Western Australia, led the dignitaries at the service, including Senator Louise Pratt, representing the Hon Matt Keogh MP Minister for Veteran's Affairs and Defence Personnel and the Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA, Minister for Defence Industry and Veterans’ Issues representing Premier Roger Cook. Also present was Ms Libby Mettam MLA, Leader of the WA Liberal Party.
Senior officers from the Royal Australian Navy, the Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force were joined by representatives from the Australian Federal Police and the Western Australian Police Force. Also attending the service were representatives of the consular corps from contributing nations.
The WA service in Kings Park included a special address from guest speaker, Domingos de Oliveira, former Secretary-General of the East Timorese political group Democratic Union of East-Timor (UDT). On behalf of Mr de Oliveira, his daughter Tika Baxter delivered his speech.
The second guest speaker, Mr Nigel Earnshaw, President of the Cottesloe RSL Sub-Branch, served in the Australian Army from 1991 to 2021 as an infantry soldier and officer variously in the first and second battalions of the Royal Australian Regiment. He was deployed to operations in East Timor, South Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) hosted a national commemorative service at Peacekeeping Memorial in Canberra on 20 September 2024 at 9:30 am AEST. This was broadcasted by the ABC and is available to watch online (ABC iview).
WA’s first purpose built Veteran accommodation Sir Valston Hancock House officially open

It's official, Sir Valston Hancock House is now open to support WA veterans in a new targeted accommodation program in South Perth made possible by Hancock Prospecting.
RSL WA State President Duncan Anderson was present to mark the opening of the Sir Valston Hancock House. The new accommodation program delivered by RAAFA WA and supported by RSL WA will be made available for veterans who require transitional accommodation or are at risk of homelessness. The facility will be operated by RAAFA, while RSL WA will be referring tenants and providing ongoing support services.
One of the first tenants welcomed into Sir Valston Hancock House shared his experience accessing the program.
“I was totally surprised when I first walked in the door at Sir Valston Hancock House and everything that I needed was here – all I needed to bring my clothes. I was homeless and living in my car and it took a month to get all my records together to be eligible to move into suitable accommodation, with the help of RAAFA and RSL WA I was able to move into Sir Valston Hancock House quickly.”
Newly appointed RSL WA CEO Stephen Barton said, “This collaboration between RSL WA and RAAFA will unlock a new level of support for WA veterans and their families from a central location. Thank you, Hancock Prospecting, for your unyielding support of the veteran community. Your contribution is immense and we look forward to sharing the strong impact these nine units will have on the lives of the new tenants.”
RSL WA at the Perth Royal Show
RSL WA and volunteers joined in the excitement of the Perth Royal Show with marquees, Poppy merchandise, free show bags and great conversations by all!
We would like to acknowledge and thank all volunteers, including Barry O’Neil (Riverton RSL Sub-Branch) and Alan Wilson (Cambridge RSL Sub-Branch), Richard and Angela Adams (Highgate RSL Sub-Branch) and Mick Coyle (Highgate RSL Sub-Branch) – and Warren Taylor and Margaret Boyd (Albany RSL Sub-Branch) who travelled to Perth specifically to volunteer!
We would also like to thank The Poppy Ladies who attended the Perth Royal Show to sell poppies and merchandise.
Thursday 26 September was Veterans Day at the Royal Show. It was a fantastic opportunity to talk with veterans and their families.
Poppy Appeal 2024

The Poppy Appeal is one of RSL WA’s largest annual fundraising events, both locally and across the State, with the funds raised going directly to providing support to veterans and their families who may be facing an array of challenges resulting from their service for our country.
RSL WA preparations for the 2024 Poppy Appeal are well underway. All Sub-Branches should have received an email with important dates and details, links to RSL WA’s Sub-Branch online merchandise store, and general information regarding arrangements for the Poppy Appeal.
Mark the Poppy Appeal date on your calendar now: Friday 1 November 2024, throughout WA.
Our dedicated members, Sub-Branches, volunteers, RSL WA staff and Defence Force personnel, along with local businesses and community groups, will be out in the community and at many of Perth’s train stations to raise funds to support our veterans in need.
Remembrance Day 2024

RSL WA’s official Remembrance Day service will take place at the State War Memorial in Kings Park on Monday 11 November. More details will be added to our website and published in future editions of the Sub-Branch Signal.
Board Patrons
The role of a Board Patron is to be a trusted confidant for the Sub-Branch to seek advice and guidance and escalate queries or concerns they feel that are not being adequately addressed or responded to at an operational level. Board Patrons will check-in with the Sub-Branch on a regular basis (as agreed in conjunction with the Sub-Branch) and check-ins can be via phone, email, virtual meeting or in person.
Patrons are not a first point of contact for operational issues. Queries relating to operational matters should be redirected to the appropriate team at State Branch.
Whilst Board members will be a patron for a Sub-Branch, this does not preclude other board members from undertaking visits to those Sub-Branches.
Veterans Concession SmartRider
Transperth has decided to provide all DVA Gold Card holders with a Veterans free concession entitlement providing 100% free travel and free parking. This means that eligible veterans only need to provide their DVA Gold Card as part of their application to receive a Veterans SmartRider, which will simplify the application process for many.
For more information, please visit the Transperth website here.
Free training for Veterans

In partnership with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Mental Health First Aid International is launching Mental Health Protect™, a fully funded mental health literacy and suicide prevention training program available to all members of the veteran community.
Join a nationwide initiative to improve mental health literacy and prevent suicide within the veteran community.
This fully funded training program is open to:
· Veterans who are ex-serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel.
· Families, friends, carers, employers, and colleagues of ex-serving and current ADF personnel.
· Health care professionals and community members supporting veterans and their families.
· Current ADF personnel.
Enrol in a course to gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to recognise and respond to signs of mental health problems, suicidal thoughts or other crises.
Learn more and enrol:
Northam Compensation Claims Consults

Location: Northam RSL Sub-Branch
Date: Tuesday 5 November and 3 December
Time: 9:30 am
Consults with a Compensation Claims Advocate will be conducted at the Northam RSL Hall on the first Tuesday of the month, with the first appointment commencing from 9:30 am.
In the event that we don’t have a minimum of two appointments, we will not be attending, but we can still provide the advocacy service without doing face-to-face interviews.
To book an appointment, please email
Australian Gulf War Illness Association request email contact of Kuwait Veterans
The Australian Gulf War Illness Association is urgently seeking reply emails to for all crew to help populate their Gulf War (Kuwait Veterans) database with respective contact information, such as email address, surname, initial, unit served in/with and postcode.
This collection of names and associated details is imperative in the continued research and testing. Veterans’ numbers and registration are needed to validate further funding. All personal details will be held in strict confidence.
Groundbreaking research and testing of Gulf War veterans has occurred, and the Australian Gulf War Illness Association wish to contact all veterans from Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, which covers 1800 Australian personnel involved during 1990/91 from all 3 services Navy, Army and Airforce, including any of our allies US/UK who are now Australia Based.
Below are news articles that provide more information about why it is important for veterans to contact the Australian Gulf War Illness Association.
2. Landmark discovery solves baffling mystery around Gulf War Illness in veterans - Griffith News
The more crew contact details the Australian Gulf War Illness Association have the better they can communicate all relevant and updated information. There is also the ability for crews to reconnect and re-establish mateship formed from the deployments.
RSL Active
Your gateway to connecting with fellow veteran families across Western Australia, offering an array of exciting events and activities tailored just for you. RSL WA is on a mission to simplify your journey back to civilian life by creating opportunities for you and your family to bond with like-minded people.

Strava Club
Location: Strava Online
Would you like to get active with other veterans from around the country? RSL Active Strava Club is a nationwide initiative with more than 200 members who run, walk and cycle their way to fitness with like-minded peers. Strava is a virtual platform for all our RSL community to join in and connect, no matter where you are located.
If you enjoy getting out and getting active, sign up to an RSL Active Strava Club and enjoy the motivation and camaraderie of sharing your fitness journey.
Sailing On
Location: South of Perth Yacht Club, 1 Coffee Point Road, Applecross
Date: Monday and Wednesday every week
Time: 9:00 am
RSL Active has teamed up with Sailing On to provide opportunities for RSL WA members, their families, veterans and ADF members to learn new skills and be part of a team through the repair and sailing of yachts.
Blue Hour/Sunset photography meetup
Location: Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour
Date: Saturday 26 October 2024
Time: 6:00 pm
Come along and shoot the “blue hour” and sunset at the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour. We’ll meet at the “Bon Scott Statue”, Mews Rd Fremantle.
Experienced and learner photographers are welcome. This is a great chance to learn sunset, blue hour and long exposure photography at an iconic location.
Suitable for all camera types including smartphones.
To book your place, please email Karl at before 6:00 pm on Friday 25 October.
Find out more and sign up for any of the above activities.
Planet Royal Game Day

Location: Planet Royale, 12 Lake Street, Northbridge
Date: Sunday 20 October 2024
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
As part of Veterans’ Health Week, Veteran Gaming Australia is hosting Planet Royale Game Day.
Experience the thrill of arcade games, great company and good food.
Join Veteran Gaming Australia for family fun arcades, including free entry for veterans and their families, $35 Arcade pass per person and lunch provided.
Tickets are limited. To RSVP and secure your spot, please click here.
Sub-Branch Committee Conference 2024

The RSL WA Committee Conference will be held on Thursday, 24 October 2024 at ANZAC House and serves as a forum for Sub-Branch committee members and RSL WA team leaders to collaborate, share insights and shape the future of our RSL Sub-Branches.
Offering keynote addresses, RSL WA department initiatives and networking opportunities, this conference is designed to help new and existing committee members actively participate and collaborate on strategies to support our veteran community.
We want to extend a warm welcome to all our current and new committee members to participate in this event and look forward to welcoming you all to ANZAC House on Thursday 24 October.
For more information, please email
Working Spirit/RSL WA networking event
Location: Leeuwin Barracks Drill Hall, East Fremantle
Date: Friday 1 November 2024
Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Don't miss out on this extraordinary networking event where you’ll have the chance to explore diverse career opportunities, connect with industry leaders and allow companies to connect with you directly on the Transition Employment Portal.
The event is free to attend, and lunch is provided.
For more information or to register, please click here.
RSLWA Bowls Section Digger’s Day Carnival

Location: Warnbro Bowling Club
Date: Monday 11 November 2024
Time: 9:00 am
Cost: $10 (includes a BBQ lunch)
Join us for one of RSL WA Bowls Section’s biggest events of the year, the “Digger’s Day Carnival”. The event will be held at the Warnbro Bowling Club on 11 November 2024, and players are required to be at the club by 9:00 am.
The cost for the day is $10 and includes a BBQ lunch with all nominations to be received to the Match Director Michael Sweeney ( by November 1.
All veterans are encouraged to attend, regardless of bowling experience. There will be draws for teams of four, so if you would like to get together with other veterans or immediate family of veterans you are more than welcome to.
With prizes and raffles on the day it will be a relaxing and enjoyable day for all those who attend.
If new bowlers would like to attend, memberships to the RSL WA Bowls Section will also be available on the day.
Karrakatta Club Lyceum

Location: Karrakatta Club, ANZAC House, 28 St Georges Terrace, Perth
Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024
Time: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Cost: $25 members and $35 guests
Dress code: Business attire
Producer Stuart Halusz and his extraordinarily talented team at WA’s Theatre 180 have unlocked the hearts and minds of audiences as they tell, with pathos, passion, and great respect, the heartfelt stories of bravery and courage of Western Australian men and women who have served Australia in times of war.
Deeply respectful and absorbing, they have brought to life the reality and significance of love and hope in the face of adversity – Lest we Forget. Those who have attended the play 21 Hearts, highlighting Vivian Bullwinkel and the nurses who fled Singapore on the ship Vyner Brooke, will appreciate the chance to hear from Stuart, whose life in theatre is a story in itself.
Marking Remembrance Day, we will also welcome Miquela Riley, Vice President, RSL WA, a veteran herself, honouring the courageous women and men who have served Australia.
For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.
Nashos WA Group mid-year reunion
Location: Gosnells Hotel (dining area)
Date: Saturday 7 December 2024
Time: Midday
On Saturday 7 December 2024 the National servicemen in the Nashos WA Group will be having their mid-year reunion, which will be their 17th anniversary as a group.
The group formed as only five members in 2008 and now they have a growing membership, with some members in all the states around Australia.
Any former nashos and their partners are welcome to mix in and join the group, and it’s free to attend.
For more information, please phone 9497 9879 or email
Albany RSL Sub-Branch Commemorative Service
Location: Albany RSL Sub-Branch
Date: Saturday 15 February 2025
Time: Late afternoon (time to be confirmed)
On 15 February 2025 the Albany RSL Sub-Branch is to hold a service to commemorate and recognise Australian Defence Force service in the last 50 years. This includes service of any kind in the many areas of conflict such as Somalia, Rwanda, Timor, Iraq, Afghanistan and peace operations such as Bougainville, The Middle East and the Solomons. In addition, also to formally recognise the countless members who served in full time and part time roles within Australia or overseas. Examples such as the constant Naval activities with Operation Sovereign border and patrols in the near North of the country, the RAAF in Malaysia and other areas of interest and the Army forces at the Airbase Butterworth since 1973 (numbering 20,000+) on three-month rotations to provide security to RAAF interests in Malysia.
The service concept is the brainchild of the president of the Albany RSL Sub-Branch Rex Hendriks and is strongly supported as a way of recognising ADF service of all kinds and also to form bonds with these “recent” serving members.
The service is to be held on Saturday 15th February 2025, following a very successful inaugural service in February 2024. The location in Albany and final details are still being finalised. The intent is that the service will be held late afternoon or early evening to enable those travelling to do so on the Saturday morning to be in location in time for the service. The service is to be followed by a function at the Sub-Branch in Stirling Terrace.
We look forward to seeing you and yours at the service and function. For more information, please contact Michael Tugwell via email at
ANZAC Club Functions

Whether you're looking to host a meeting, luncheon, dinner, sundowner, cocktail party, conference or anything in between, ANZAC Club offers three floors of flexible modern event spaces with state-of-the-art facilities and a unique atmosphere that’s perfect for your event!
Located on the 5th, 6th and 7th floors of ANZAC House, ANZAC Club offers stunning views of Government House gardens, the CBD and the Swan River. Our private function spaces feature floor-to-ceiling windows and spacious private balconies, creating a picturesque backdrop for any occasion.
For smaller gatherings, our two intimate meeting rooms on Level 1, just off the Club Restaurant, provide the perfect setting for productive meetings or luncheons.
Discover tailored experiences with our versatile function packages designed to suit every occasion. From celebratory cocktails to plated dinners, our culinary team ensures every dish is a masterpiece. Our dedicated team will make sure your event is unforgettable.
Contact us today at to discover how ANZAC Club can make your next occasion exceptional.